“...superbly written and intensely personal ... the
engaging short story sequences are interspersed with superb reproductions of Simmons’ paintings – each of which is thematically appropriate to the chapters they so beautifully enhance. An engaging, entertaining, and occasionally inspiring read, The Story of Jules Verne: A Watch Pocket Dog is especially recommended for personal and community library collections – and a ‘must’ for anyone who has ever felt their canine companion to have been an integral part of their life.”
- Reviewer’s Choice, The Midwest Book Review
“Thank you ever so much for The Story of Jules Verne.
As soon as I opened he package and saw what it
was, I sat right down and began reading – didn’t get
up until I had finished. I realize that probably the
best way to read a fascinating book is to go slow and savor it over a much longer period. But this one was just too good to delay. There must be some old folk saying regarding ‘delayed gratification’, which might be appropriate for me to quote... if only I knew what it was. We absolutely loved your story of Jules. And your art is delightful. Thank you, again.”
- John Peters
“I was elated yesterday on my 34th birthday to receive a personalized and signed copy of your book... I will cherish that book forever... nothing encompasses the loyalty and the adoration found in the heart of a Brittany... Our paths may never cross in person, but please know I regard your work as a timeless piece.”
- Jeremy D. Crow
Or, contact the author/artist directly to purchase paintings, prints or books.
Autographed and personalized copies of the book are available upon request, please specify.
No additional charge for autographs or personalization.
“Wayne, your writing – like your paintings – is positively absorbing... This is a wonderful book...hunter or not. One cannot love dogs, love the human-dog relationship, love the human-human relationship and not love this book. Thank you for this incredible journey and sharing Jules Verne with all of us!!!”
- Melba Lanham, American Brittany Rescue
“Thank you very much for the tears of joy and appreciation you gave me from reading your book about Jules. It’s stories like these that can help everyone with their daily lives and losses of the loved pets whom they had held as family... Again,this was just what I needed!”
- Ward Hart
"... You may remember Jules Verne, the noted author of the book, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, but how about Jules Verne, the bird dog. Like the dog's namesake, this book reaches depths that many such books in it's genre never fathom... The Story of Jules Verne, A Watch Pocket Dog is a classic in itself... it's a celebration of everything birds hunters love about the uplands: the birds we pursue, the hunting companions with whom we share our days afield, and the special dogs that better our lives, It's hard to believe that such a short book about a "watch pocket dog" can pack in so much depth and do it so well, but Wayne Simmons has not only pulled it off, but made it look easy. And that is the essence of good art whether it stems from the pen or the paintbrush."
- The Upland Almanac Magazine, A. Wayment
“The Story of Jules Verne touched all my emotions, especially the ones that generate tears. It was a delightful read and, for me, an interesting tutorial on bird dogs and their masters.”
- Leta Leshe
"What a sweet, funny and wonderfully told story of a guy and his improbable hunting dog. If you're a bird hunter, you'll love this book. If you're a dog lover, you'll love this book. Simmons uses his charming wit, his keenly observant mind and his canine-bonded spirit to draw you into the "episodes" that, put together, allow you to share the experience that is Jules Verne. After reading this book, you'll want to sit down with Wayne, Gay and Jules for more tales of Vernian adventure. You just know there are more than he could ever put in one book. BIG PLUS: Simmons' endearing paintings, masterfully rendered that illustrate the book. You'll want to scratch behind those floppy ears!"
- Sharon Rue - Amazon.com Review